Posted in 2021
Translating with gettext overview
- Oct 15, 2021
Localization with gettext is streamlined process with responsibility distributed among original messages author, gettext tooling, and translator or translator tools. This post will help you understand extracting messages and starting new translation.
Getttext PO/POT format explained
- Oct 15, 2021
Gettext is internationalization (i18n) mechanism and library used not only in many software products, programming languages but also for translating Sphinx documentations. Gettext extracts strings marked “to-be-localized” from a source code (or a document) to plain text file with .po
or .pot
file extension. Let’s look at its format.
Debugging Sphinx extensions
- May 26, 2021
Developing extensions for Sphinx documentation projects can easily grow into a big Python project. Debugging with print()
quickly becomes a no-go. Let’s have a look how to debug Sphinx extension of any size.
Best Sphinx tips
- May 13, 2021
Over the years writing documentation in Sphinx, I found I do the same tweaks in every Sphinx project’s
again and again. Here are the best ones.
CSS to remove document title from Sphinx local ToC
- May 07, 2021
This week, I’m working on Documatt Sphinx Theme, a theme used for example in this blog. One of the longest postponed feature is displaying a local table of contents (ToC) in the right sidebar. By default, Sphinx displays a current document title in the local ToC, so let’s fix it.