
sphinx-reredirects is the extension for Sphinx documentation projects that handles redirects for moved pages. It generates HTML pages with meta refresh redirects to the new page location to prevent 404 errors if you rename or move your documents.


Aren’t 301 redirects better?

Client-side redirects with meta refresh are okay for search engines, even the most ancient browsers, and users too.

sphinx-reredirects extension was created for tech writers who don’t want or can’t manage redirects with server-side 301 redirects. Generally, SEO consultants recommend server-side redirects created with .htaccess and similar files. However, many documentation is hosted as on static website hosting which doesn’t support server-side redirects.

I know better how to write HTML redirect file

By default, created HTML redirect files contains <html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=${to_uri}"></head></html>.

If you want JavaScript redirection instead, wait longer, or whatever, set redirect_html_template option. This option should points to file inside source dir (directory containing conf.py). For example:

redirect_html_template_file = "redirect.html.template"

Actual target URI requested in configuration is available under ${to_uri} placeholder.

Why name “reredirects”?

Because the name “redirects” is already taken by another extension. Unfortunately, it doesn’t fulfil our requirements (the most notable it doesn’t support wildcards and placeholders). These were reasons why we decided to bring a new extension.

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